Tuesday, June 30, 2015


  Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has been seeing incredible crowds at his speeches and events. He is filling his venues to overflowing. Whatever you have to say about his chances against Hillary Clinton, the left is fully energized in a way it has never been.
  The activism of the sixties and early seventies was based on outsiders trying to move a resistant population. Now we are the population, or, at least, a good solid piece of it.
  Liberals are back- and stronger than we have ever been. It's getting to be about time for the dinosaurs to realize they're on the verge of extinction. Since they don't understand even the basics of evolutionary theory, that may be difficult for them to comprehend. Let me put it to them in a way they will understand: Get out of the way or get run over!

Friday, June 26, 2015

More Good News!

  Today, gay marriage is legal for every citizen of this country, the gay ones, anyway. The Supreme Court ruled marriage a fundamental right. And, though the fundamental right is having fits, the rest of us welcome you to the club, boys and girls.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

O Happy Day!

Today, the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare for the second, and last time. By a six to three margin, the court ruled that typos don't undermine the law of the land. 'Nuff said.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Woman Homer Sung

If any man drew near
When I was young,
I thought, "He holds her dear,"
And shook with hate and fear.
But O! 'twas bitter wrong
If he could pass her by
With an indifferent eye.

Whereon I wrote and wrought,
And now, being gray,
I dream that I have brought
To such a pitch my thought
That coming time can say,
"He shadowed in a glass
What thing her body was."

For she had fiery blood
When I was young,
And trod so sweetly proud
As 'twere upon a cloud.
A woman Homer sung,
That life and letters seem
But an heroic dream.

William Butler Yeats

For F.