Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 For Faith


All but Death, can be Adjusted --

Dynasties repaired --

Systems -- settled in their Sockets --

Citadels -- dissolved --

Wastes of Lives -- resown with Colors

By Succeeding Springs--

Death -- unto itself -- Exception --

Is exempt from Change --


Emily Dickinson, poem 749

Monday, November 9, 2020

The Rats Are Sticking Around

 Well, it seems the coprophagous GOP is backing Trump's election fraud scam. The usual suspects have, apparently, decided that it pays to stick to the ass their heads are already shoved into, and hope for the best. And fuck the United States of America.

Quote of the Post

 "The ends justify the means. A nice homily, he thought, which allowed him to do almost anything. It brought to mind the rationale of Ivan Karamazov: without God, everything is permissible."

Robert Silverberg Master of Life and Death novel, 1957

Saturday, November 7, 2020

It's Okay to Breathe, Now

 Earlier today, Joe Biden won the election. Trump may still kill us all, but if we make it to January twentieth, we have a chance. Yay us.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

We Live in Interesting Times

 As I write this, near midnight on the fifth, the presidential election has not yet been called, though Biden has the edge.

 I admit to near inconsolable sadness late Tuesday and into Wednesday. I never expected a blowout, but the incredible closeness of the race fills me with despair for our nation and world. That so many have witnessed so much corruption, hate and near psychopathy from Trump, and still cast their ballots for him leads me to wonder if the name we've given our species could, possibly, be ironic. I see little evidence of sapience in us, tonight.

And, yes, the title of this post refers to the ancient Chinese curse. I think I finally understand it.

Monday, November 2, 2020

A Note, And Apology

 I intend to publish a series of essays in the coming days that, added together will be a manifesto of sorts. That justifies the note. The apology comes from the fact that circumstances may not give me the luxury of deeply editing drafts of these essays. They may be a bit choppy and even abrupt.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Climacteric

  I think the title of this little essay is accurate. In two days the United States of America, and the world, must win the presidential election by destroying Donald Fucking Trump. We have been obsessed with the Trump crime family's occupation of the White House, and the aid from traitors in the GOP and right- wing media since the beginning. The future of this country as a functioning democracy is literally at stake. The title of this little essay is also a moving target. We face our gravest threat due to the climate crisis-- an existential threat to civilization and, in all probability, the continued existence of our species. 
  But still.
  If we are unable to clean our house of the treasonous and crime-ridden Trump administration, we will never even begin to attack climate change. It is also true that the resurgence of totalitarianism world-wide throws up a brick wall to the cooperation mankind requires to effectively make the tough decisions to clean up the planet. Humanity's long experience with tyrants proves that they are utterly incapable of the vision, imagination, flexibility, and, most importantly, the will we need to overcome complete disaster. As the environment deteriorates; as populations shift; as resources become scarce and uncertain-- only democratic nations working in tandem can give us the slimmest of chances to change our economies, industries, and our cultures, and to avoid the nuclear wars that will end our existence. 
 So. The climacteric.