Saturday, April 18, 2015

Take Your Seat, Senator

  The clown-car continues to fill. Senator Marco Rubio opened his campaign by saying- "Yesterday is over, and we are never going back." This offends me, not only as a Beatles fan, but as an American.
  What part of yesterday is over Senator?
  Yesterday, when Martin Luther King said: "I have a dream" and Rosa Parks said 'No' to a bus driver?
  Yesterday, when woman were given the vote and unions struck for safe workplaces and injury compensation?
  Yesterday, when we split the atom, and sent men to the moon?
  Or maybe you reject yesterday, when we said "We the People of the United States" and "We hold these Truths to be self-evident", and founded a nation?
  Yesterday, Senator, was when we built this great country.
  Today is when we repudiate your bankrupt philosophy.

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