Monday, December 21, 2015

Baker's Dozen

  Today, Senator Lindsey Graham ended his presidential campaign.
  A victim of the Republican Party's lurch to extremism, he did rack up a few noteworthy moments during his run. He, correctly, noted that Donald Fucking Trump is an 'idiot' and 'jack-ass' and responded to Trump's giving away Graham's cell-phone number with a cuttingly funny video about methods of phone destruction. Satire is an effective and classy tool to deal with the likes of the evil clown that is Donald Trump. Graham also repudiated Trump's anti-muslim rants on the floor of the Senate, which may have been one of his finest moments.
  I said that Graham was a victim of right-wing extremism; he was also a perpetrator. Graham fully participated in the 'Party of No' strategy to deny Obama any political victories. That he failed in that strategy is a matter of fact. That he failed to realize, until too late, what was being nurtured under his nose, is a matter of integrity.

  There are now thirteen candidates running for the nomination of the Republican Party. Thirteen. A perfect number to fill a clown-car.

March 16, 2020. Note to readers, if any: I noted above that Graham's calling-out of Trump was one of his finest moments. Anyone reading today (At least one person? Please?) knows that it was his last fine moment, as Lindsey Graham has taken up residence on a shit-front lot in Trump's anal canal.

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