Monday, February 1, 2016

O Iowa!

  As I write this, the Democratic primary is still too close too call. Clinton has a three or four point lead over Sanders, with about 96% of the precincts reporting. However it plays out, the tie goes to the underdog, so I'm calling it for Bernie. (Full disclosure: I'm volunteering for the Sanders campaign.) (Fuller disclosure: I'm still right about the tie.)
  Governor Martin O'Malley has dropped out tonight. He ran a good campaign and played an important part in shaping the conversation. I know we haven't seen the last of him.

  On the Republican side, Ted (Canadian Bacon) Cruz won. Donald Fucking Trump is a loser. (I hope to be saying that often between now and November.)
  Mike (The Huckster) Huckabee dropped out tonight. I suggest he eat some cinnamon and get some sleep.

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