Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cult of Emptiness

  ISIS is hollow, empty, and afraid. Very afraid. They have proven this beyond any doubt with their detestable destruction of ancient artifacts in the museum in Mosul, and now with the bulldozing of the ancient cities of Nimrud and Hatra.
  Destruction is the easiest thing in the world, and it is the cowards only choice; they hate what they cannot do themselves. To build requires courage. One must not only have the will and strength necessary, but the belief in the future and the bravery to shape it. Destruction is empty; it is hollow; and it is all the likes of ISIS possess. They join a long, sad, list of such: Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Mao's communists, and so many others that have proven themselves the truest barbarians.
  I cannot contain my anger at the wanton destruction of history- the celebration of ignorance that exists even in this country. Republicans have embraced the lowest common denominator of Human Knowledge as their standard. This is the first step toward destruction.
  ISIS kills and destroys out of fear. They have a creed that is no creed, but only vacuum. They will fail, and be destroyed, as is their only due. But what damage will they cause before then?

This post is a partial vent for an immense amount of steam. Maybe I will refine this in coming days, but I had to put down my utter contempt for these ghouls.

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