Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fooling Themselves Part Two

  Bill O'Reilly, the main attraction of Fox News, is a liar. He has been caught repeatedly lying about his reporting during the Falklands War, the 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland, and the tragic violence in El Salvador. He lied in print about being on the doorstep of a source, just at the moment the man killed himself inside the house.
  I won't waste time giving the details, as they are easily found. In any event, they are not the point of this piece.
  In an earlier post, I wrote about the penchant conservatives have for swallowing lies. Not just lies about Obama's birthplace and policies; not just about scientific evidence and findings- but about everything. Brian Williams received a six month suspension for his lies. Bill O'Reilly has the full backing of his publisher, his network, and his audience.
  Earlier, I stated that conservatives are so well trained, that when fed shit, they say 'Thank you, sir, may I have another'. Passing time only confirms my opinion.
  In the future, I will refer to Billy-boy as "Not Really" O'Reilly. He deserves it.
 Note: See David Corn and Daniel Schulman in Mother Jones 2/19/15 and subsequent articles for Billy-boy's peccadilloes

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