Monday, December 1, 2014

Quote of the Post

"The afternoon came down as imperceptibly as age comes to a happy man."

"There was an ache in his heart like the farewell to a dear woman; there was vague sorrow in him like the despair of Autumn."

"Time is more complex near the sea than in any other place, for in addition to the circling of the sun and the turning of the seasons, the waves beat out the passage of time on the rocks and the tides rise and fall as a great clepsydra."

John Steinbeck Tortilla Flats (all quotes)

I re-read this book last year just to find the last quote. I found the other two as well. Somehow I'd missed them the first time out. That's what is so wonderful about visiting old friends: they constantly surprise you. By the way: a clepsydra is a water clock. I had to look it up myself the first time through.

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