Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reality Check For Torture Fans

As sophisticated as I may be politically, when it comes to the mastery of late twentieth century digital technology, I'm still a novice; so, please, bear with me.

The Daily Kos is one of the greatest sources of progressive opinion out there, and all those bloggers are digging up information on everything from plate tectonics and volcanism to torture. I recently found a blog that should make the torture apologists hang their heads in shame (of course, they won't.) I don't know how to put the link here, because the Kos sites confuse the hell out of me, but I'll give the full citation so my intrepid readers, if any, can find it. The title says it all, and you must read the entire piece. Everything that professional FBI and police interrogators have said about proper techniques of interrogation and the inefficacy of torture may have had its start with one man during World War Two.

"The Torture-Free True Story of the Best USMC Interrogator in WWII" by 8ackgr0und NO15e

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