Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Send in the Clowns

  In the coming months a whole bunch of people are going to finally admit that what they've been doing is running for President.
  I won't deal with the Dems yet, because the Reepubs are so much more fun.
  Rick Perry is under indictment, and faces trial.
  Chris Christie is being investigated by a grand jury.
  Rand Paul has announced that he is running for reelection to the Senate, and Kentucky law prohibits anyone from appearing twice on a ballot (say as a Senator and Presidential candidate.)
  Rob Portman is declining to run.
  There have been many Romney sightings- something that only happens when he wants to be President.
  And Jeb Bush is saying that he won't cater to the extremists in order to win the primary.
  The only thing better would be if some of last election's superstars try to squeeze into the car.

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